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Table 1.

Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of NIDDM patients with severe infected foot ulcers

Characteristic NpHSS (n = 21) Control (n = 16) P value
Age (years)* 61·9 ± 11·9 67·8 ± 11·6 NS
 Male 9 (45) 8 (50) NS
 Female 12 (55) 8(50)
Years of diabetes duration* 16·4 ± 8·1 17 ± 10·2 NS
Mean of HbA1c* 7·1 ± 2 6·7 ± 1·8 NS
Mean of fasting glycaemia* (mg/dl) 163 ± 59 152 ± 65·8 NS
Obesity 6 (30) 4 (25) NS
Ulcer duration/week* 13·7 ± 24 15·1 ± 16·3 NS
B/A index (Yao)* 0·9 ± 0·5 1·14 ± 0·7 NS

Obesity is defined as body mass index >27 kg/m2.

HbA1c, haemoglobin A1c; NS, non significant; NIDDM, non insulin‐dependent diabetes mellitus; NpHSS, neutral pH superoxide solution.


Values are given as mean ± SD or actual (per cent).

Chi‐squared and Yates’ correction.