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Table 2.

The mean score of knowledge and practice of diabetes foot care

Variables Practice score (mean ± SD) P value Knowledge score (mean ± SD) P value
Gender 0·21 0·37
 Female 8·1 (2·5) 6·4 (3·0)
 Male 8·5 (2·7) 6·9 (2·9)
Age (years) 0·20 0·92
 <50 8·6 (2·3) 6·6 (2·8)
 ≥50 8·2 (2·7) 6·6 (3·0)
Marital status 0·79 0·83
 Married 8·3 (2·6) 6·6 (3·0)
 Single 8·0 (2·6) 7·0 (1·7)
Employment 0·68 0·42
 Employed 8·5 (2·8) 7·2 (3·0)
 Unemployed 8·0 (1·4) 8·5 (0·7)
 Household 8·1 (2·5) 6·5 (2·9)
 Retired 8·7 (2·7) 6·2 (3·4)
Education 0·004 0·008
 Illiterate 7·2 (2·2) 5·5 (2·6)
 1–12 grades 8·2 (2·6) 6·5 (2·9)
 ≥12 grades 9·3 (2·5) 7·7 (3·1)
Diabetes treatment 0·83 0·92
 Oral agents + diet 8·3 (2·7) 6·5 (3·1)
 Insulin + diet 8·6 (2·6) 6·7 (2·9)
 Insulin + diet + oral 8·1 (2·4) 6·7 (2·8)
Duration of diabetes (years) 0·89 0·07
 ≤10 8·1 (2·6) 6·2 (3·0)
 >10 8·5 (2·6) 7·1 (2·9)
Smoking 0·21 0·12
 Yes 7·4 (2·4) 5·0 (2·2)
 No 8·4 (2·5) 6·8 (2·9)
 Former 7·4 (3·7) 6·5 (4·2)
BMI (kg/m2) 0·92 0·80
 ≤25 8·2 (3·1) 6·5 (3·4)
 >25 8·3 (2·4) 6·6 (2·9)

BMI, body mass index; SD, standard deviation, P < 0.05 is significant (indicated in bold).