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Table 1.

Selected studies summary

Source Study protocol Focus Definition of wound infection used Surgical procedures defined Wound classification Duration of surgery Patient pre/postoperative infection RI Identified Independence Trained/validated Length of study Surveillance period
Klavs et al. (60) Prevalence HAI CDC Recorded not specified N/S N/S Severity of illness 
McCabe and Jackson Coordinators–
17 physicians; two ICNs Hospital‐associated 
teams led by own hospital 
coordinators 4 IDC; 4 CM; 5C 
with PGIC/no 1‐day survey; noted 
procedures carried 
out ≤30 days 1 day
Lizioli et al. (46) Prevalence HAI CDC General classifications only C/CCon/ Con/D N/S ASA Group of 
investigators for each hospital Hospital associated Hospital teams 
trained separately 1‐day survey 1 day
Rios et al. (10) Incidence – case‐case study SSI CDC Yes N/S N/S N/S ICN Hospital associated 
and external N/S 2‐year study Until discharge N/S
SCIEH (61) Prospective/incidence SSI CDC Eight categories 
of clinically 
similar ops NNIS Yes NNIS N/S N/S N/S Annual review Post discharge in 7/8 
Eriksen et al. (62) Prevalence HAI Norwegian 
Ministry N/S N/S N/S N/S ICN Hospital associated Standard 
survey/N/S N/S N/A
Gikas et al. (45) Prevalence HAI CDC and CDC 
wound infection Recorded not 
detailed C/CCon/ C/D No N/S Microbiologist, IDS; ICN Hospital associated Individual hospital 
training with final 
joint meeting 1‐day study 1 day
Lallemand et al. (63) Incidence Prophylaxis 
in SSI CDC General 
only C/CCon/ C/D Yes ASA NNIS Surgeon‐ anaesthetist 
pairs Hospital 
associated N/S N/S 30 days
Steinbrecher et al. (64) Incidence SSI CDC‐based 13 specified 
surgical procedures NNIS NNIS KISS/NNIS ICN No Yes Ongoing from 
January 1997 Until discharge– N/S
Thibon et al. (35) Incidence SSI–
patients lost 
to follow‐up CDC/CTIN General 
only N/S N/S N/S N/S Surgeons asked to 
see each patient 
post‐op or to obtain 
information N/S N/S Target of 30 days but 
59% lost to follow‐up 
between discharge and 30 days
Astagneau et al. (7) Incidence SSI CDC Yes 
30 classifications 
given Altemeier Yes ASA score; NNIS Nurses, 
surgeons, with ICT Surgeon used for 
post discharge assessment N/S/No 3 months of each 
year 30 days or follow‐up 
appointment if earlier 
Azzam and Dramaix (65) 1‐day 
prevalence HAI CDC 1988–1 
sign or symptom 
of infection Recorded not 
detailed C/CCon/ Con/D N/S N/S Two investigators only—phar‐macist and physician N/S N/S/N/S 1 day 1 day
de Boer et al. (66) Incidence SSI in 
orthopaedic CDC‐based 
definition Yes–two procedures 
studied–total hip and knee prosthesis C/CCon/ Con/D 1‐4 Yes ASA; NNIS N/S N/S N/S Over a 3‐year study period Until discharge– time 
N/S; unknown 
number monitored 
post discharge
Mintjes de‐Groot et al. (67) Prospective 
–incidence HAI in ICU 
–stay >48 h CDC‐based‐ 
WIP General 
only N/S No APACHE II N/S N/S Yes/yes July 97 to December 
99 Until discharge from 
ICU–median stay 6 
Plowman et al. (6) Incidence HAI Glenister 1992 
not stated as 
CDC N/S N/S N/S Cross‐ referenced 
Glenister (68) ICT plus six research 
assistant plus ward 
staff Hospital associated Research assistants–
yes/support staff 
N/S April 94 to May 95 Monitored during the 
inpatient period but 
this is N/S
Reilly et al. (28) Incidence SSI in clean, 
surgery Definitive 
Glenister 1992 
–not stated as 
CDC Yes Clean surgery 
only N/S N/S but data 
collected from post op wound audit clinics Cost of audit nurse 
evaluated– N/S who collected the data N/S N/S 1/11/95‐‐31/3/99 30 days
Stockley et al. (34) Incidence SSI NINSS* Yes–five representative procedures N/S N/S NINSS*– some in‐house measures also Infections control audit nurse; post discharge GPs and DNs Hospital associated/GPs, DNs in the community YeS/N/S Over a 5‐year period 25‐35 days including post discharge and telephone call
Andersen et al. (69) Repeated point‐prevalence 4/year for 3 years HAI CAI Modified CDC–12 types specified N/S N/S N/S N/S ICN and/or clinicians responsible for infection control Hospital associated N/S/N/S Same day and hour in all hospitals Repeated 1‐day studies
FPSSG (13) Prevalence HAI CDC modified Recorded not 
detailed N/S N/S N/S Team including ICP and ICNs–data 
collection supported by doctors and 
nurses Hospital associated Trained by 
coordinator from 
hospital local 
training offered Same day for unit; 
within 7 days for 
hospital; over 1 
month for study 1‐7 days
Geubbels et al. (14) Prospective 
incidence SSI CDC in Dutch 
translation Yes but of 18 063 
procedures, 7336 
classed as 
'other'; Dutch 
ICD‐9‐CM C/CCon/ Con/D; 1‐‐4 Yes–data 
not given 
linking to 
SSI rate–
reported ASA; wound class; data not detailed 
linking to SSI rate–
good correlation 
reported ICP and/or 
clinician; not 
specified in 1 Hospital associated Hospital 
carried out by 
blinded team of 4 June 96 to May 97 All patients followed 
at least until discharge 
–but actual time not 
Mintjes‐de Groot et al. (70) Active 
over 13 
years HAI Modified CDC Classified 
according to 
NMR but not 
detailed N/S N/S Patient‐related risk 
factors assessed but 
not specified; One ICP; missing 
data provided by CRF, nurse or doctor Hospital associated N/S/sensitivity/specificity assessed 
from a multi‐centre study Conducted over 13 years Over 9‐month period–
until patient discharge–N/S
Pavia et al. (71) Prevalence HAI CDC Recorded not 
detailed C/CCon/ Con/D No N/S No Hospital associated Yes/No 1‐day study over a 
2‐week period 1 day
Asensio and Torres (29) Two 
and versus 
controls Deep SSI CDC 
deep SSI only Open heart–
with additional 
classification Clean/non‐ 
clean Yes Clean/non‐clean N/S N/S N/S/N/S January 89 to 
December 99 To discharge but no 
standardised period
Golliot et al. (72) Incidence–
cohort study SSI Altemeier 
CDC and 
CTIN* 35 procedures 
eight general linked 
to NNIS and SSI rate C/CCon/Con 
/D Yes–fully 
detailed for 
procedures ASA; NNIS; not linked to SSI rate Surgeon and 
hygiene control 
nurse Hospital associated N/S 1 month 
postoperatively 1 month 
Pittet et al. (73) Period 
over 1 week HAI CDC–
not categorised as an NI N/S No No McCabe and Jackson 
Charlson index; Karnofsky index One study 
coordinator but CRFs filled in by 
physicians and 
nurses involved in care Two independent 
observers checked % of 
 records N/S/yes 1 week with 
operation in past 30 
days or 1 year with 
implant documented Documented within 30 
days post‐operatively 
or 1 year with implant
Scheel and Stormark (47) 1‐day 
prevalence HAI Modified CDC Recorded not 
detailed N/S No N/S 'Contact' doctor 
and/or ward nurses 
and doctors Hospital‐associated 
staff N/S 1 day 1 day
Vaqué et al. (12) 1990‐97–
1997 data 
prevalence HAI CDC Recorded not 
detailed Recorded not detailed–
clean surgery 
data only Recorded 
not detailed N/S Physicians or nurses 
in ICT Under the direction 
of each individual 
hospital ICT Uniform 
protocol by 
CRF/N/S 2‐week data 
collection in May over an 8‐year period 1 day
Frankart et al. (74) 3‐day 
prevalence HAI CDC General 
only C/CCon/Con 
/D N/S ASA Surgeon, hygiene 
specialist Hospital associated N/S/yes; 
validator 3 days Documented within 30 
days post‐operatively 
or 1 year with implant
Gastmeier et al. (30) (NIDEP) 1‐day 
prevalence HAI CDC General 
only C/CCon/Con 
/D N/S ASA Physicians jointly 
trained in diagnosis 
of HAI– sensitivity 
and specificity 
figures given Yes Yes/four 
independent All patients assessed 
in the same ward on 
the same day 1 day
Cainzos et al. (75) Incidence in 
a 3‐month 
period SSI CDC Biliary tract 
stone with specific WHO 
class C/CCon/Con 
/D No CC/Con/D N/S N/S N/S 3 months 30 days post surgery
Medina et al. (76) Prospective 
surveillance SSI CDC Herniorrhaphy C/CCon/Con 
/D Yes ASA; McCabe 
NNIS/SENIC index Hospital‐associated 
teams– follow‐up 
by post and 
outpatient clinics N/S but surgeon 
infection risk assessed N/S/N/S November 92 to 
June 94 1‐month post 
Rüden et al. (15) (NIDEP) Prevalence HAI CDC N/S N/S N/S N/S Yes Yes Yes/yes 1 day 1 day
Emmerson et al. (11) Prevalence HAI CAI N/S–cross 
referenced General 
only N/S N/S N/S–cross 
referenced N/S–cross 
referenced N/S–cross 
referenced N/S–cross 
referenced May 93 to July 94 in 
2‐month study 
sessions N/S
Kampf et al. (31) (NIDEP) Prevalence HAI CDC 11 procedures 
specified 1‐‐4 Yes Yes–wound 1‐4; Doctors trained in 
diagnosis of HAI–
sensitivity and specificity figures 
given Four independent 
independent Yes/yes 10‐month study 1 day (not specified in 
paper but based on 
Ronveaux et al. (8) incidence SSI over a 
period CDC–
occurring ≤30 days; not including stitch abscesses ≤6 classes of 
recorded ICD‐9‐ 
CM codes; 10 
detailed C/CCon/C/D Yes ASA and NNIS Recommended that theatre staff at time 
of surgery record 
denominator data 
prospectively Hospital associated Hospitals allowed to 
customise data 
forms October 92 to June 
93 Until discharge–N/S 
–post discharge 
surveillance optional–
mean follow‐up 13·7 days
Vaqué et al. (50) Prospective 
1994 data HAI CDC Recorded not 
detailed Recorded not 
clean surgery Recorded 
not detailed N/S Physicians or nurses 
in ICT Directed by each 
individual hospital 
ICT Standardised 
protocol by CRF 2‐week period in 
May–data from 
1990 to 1994 2‐week period each 
year over 5 years
Erbaydar et al. (77) Incidence–
cohort study SSI CDC/WHO General surgery 
patients N/S N/S N/S Yes–ICB Hospital associated Yes/N/S 2‐year study Until discharge N/S–
study period 2 years
Sartor et al. (78) Period 
at two time 
points HAI–UTI, 
November Recorded not 
detailed Clean surgery 
and other No College of American 
Surgeons Ten investigators 
from micro‐biology or ICD Worked within 
surveyed hospital 4 h training/N/S May; November 
1992 Two 1‐day studies
Byrne et al. (52) Incidence SSI ASEPSIS >10 
(27% fully 
scored by this 
method); N/S N/S N/S C/CC/D N/S for hospital–
post discharge GPs and DNs Hospital associated N/S/N/S 32‐month period ≤6 weeks post 
discharge— follow‐up 
postal questionnaire
Merten et al. (79) Incidence SSI NSIH protocol 
and CDC Various study 
CM codes 
used C/CCon/ C/D Yes Based on NNIS including ASA and 
C/CCon/C/D; ICN and ICP 
obligatory in every 
hospital Hospital associated Roles and education 
defined, courses in 
place October 14 to 
December 13 1991 Post discharge 
encouraged but time 
N/S; 32 did post 
discharge follow‐up
Poulsen et al. (80) Incidence SSI in 
groups Danish 
guidelines Yes N/S N/S Danish guidelines N/S N/S N/S January 85 to 
December 88 Until discharge– time 
period N/S
Coello et al. (5) Matched 
incidence SSI CDC–various 
sources/modifications General surgical 
only N/S N/S N/S Research nurse in 
association with ward staff and from CRF Hospital associated N/S/NS Between March and 
November 1988 Continuous 
surveillance until 
Vegas et al. (81) Matched 
prospective study–
incidence HAI in 
patients CDC ICD‐9‐CM codes 
for diagnosis 
and surgical 
recorded not 
detailed C/CCon/ Con 
/D Yes No Nurse Hospital associated Yes/N/S First 7 months of 
1990 Until discharge–N/S
Aavitsland et al. (82) 1 day HAI* Slightly 
adapted CDC N/S N/S N/S N/S ICN or clinician Hospital associated N/S/N/S 1 day 1 day
Kappstein et al. (83) Prospective 
cohort study 
incidence SSI CDC–clearly 
defined Yes C/CCon only Recorded 
not detailed N/S Yes Hospital doctor not 
involved in patients 
treatment N/S/N/S November 88 to 
September 89 Until discharge not 
Kappstein et al. (84) Incidence 
prospective cohort studies SSI/LRTI in 
ICU CDC–clearly 
defined 3 specified C/CCon/ C/D N/S N/S Physician not involved in the 
treatment of the 
patients Yes N/S/N/S June 88 to 
September 89 Until discharge (time 
not specified) or death
Moro et al. (49) Incidence SSI CDC Orthopaedic*
and general 
surgery; data for ten most 
frequent ops C/CCon/C/D 
definition Yes N/S Surgeon or ICN Hospital associated, 
wounds ranked by 
operating surgeon N/S/N/S 6‐month period Until discharge
Di Palo (85) Prospective 
incidence SSI N/S General 
classification C/CCon/C/D N/S N/S N/S Hospital associated Yes/N/S 1980‐88 30 days post surgery
Kjaersgaard et al. (48) Incidence SSI CDC Operations 
coded–ten most 
common C/CCon/C/D Yes N/S Surgeons; ward staff 
N/S; GPs post 
discharge Hospital associated N/S 1/3/87 to 31/7/88 Approximately 30 day 

Altemeier classification – clean/clean‐contaminated/contaminated/dirty; ASA, American Society of Anaesthesiologists; ASEPSIS, Additional treatment, the presence of Serous discharge, Erythema, Purulent exudate, Separation of the deep tissues, the Isolation of bacteria and the duration of inpatient Stay; BS, blood stream infection; C/CC/Con/D, clean/clean‐contaminated/contaminated/dirty; CAI, community‐associated infection; CDC, Center for Disease Control; CMs, clinical microbiologists; CRF, case record form; CSHPF, Conseil Supérieur d'Hygiène Publique de France; CTIN, Comité Technique National des Infections Nosocomiales; DNs, district nurses; GPs, general practitioners; HAI, health care‐associated infection; ICD, infections control department; ICN, infections control nurse or equivalent; ICP, infections control physician/practitioner; ICT, infections control team; ICU, intensive care unit; IDS, infectious disease specialist; LRTI, lower respiratory tract infection; N/A, not applicable; NI, nosocomial infection; N/S, not stated; NINSS, UK Nosocomial Infection National Surveillance Scheme; NMR, National Medical Registry (Netherlands); NNIS, National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance; NRC, National Research Council; NSIH, National Program for the Surveillance of Hospital Infections; PGIC, postgradutate infectious control training; RI, risk assessment; SENIC, four risk factors – duration of intervention >2 hours: ≥3 conditions on admission: abdominal surgery and a contaminated or dirty‐infected wound; SSI, surgical site infection; UTI, urinary tract infection; WIP, Werkgroep Infectiepreventie.


The coding file of the DANOP‐DATA system included only four categories for orthopaedic operations.