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Table 2.

Selected studies summary – supplementary

Source Wounds classified post op Hospitals surveyed Type of hospital Number of patients Impact of SSI –
cost/length of stay Re‐admission rate
Klavs et al. (60) N/S 19 Acute care 6695 N/S N/S
Lizioli et al. (46) N/S 88 Public 18 667 N/S N/S
Rios et al. (10) N/S 1 Private 43 Yes N/S
SCIEH (61) N/S 16 acute trusts – i.e. group of hospitals Acute care  7923 N/S Yes
Eriksen et al. (62) N/S 45 Somatic 35 712 No No
Gikas et al. (45) N/S 14 Hospital/regional 3925 N/S No
Lallemand et al. (63) Probably 18 Various 474 No No
Steinbrecher et al. (64) N/S 132 surgical units in 89 hospitals N/S 71 038 N/S N/S
Thibon et al. (35) N/S 25 units of 10 institutions N/S 3705 N/S N/S
Astagneau et al. (7) N/S 221 surgical wards Teaching, general public and private 38 973 Yes N/S
Azzam and Dramaix (65) N/S 14 Public acute or private 834 Yes (but HAI in general) N/S
de Boer et al. (66) N/S 63 – voluntary basis Various 36 629 N/S No
Mintjes de‐Groot et al. (67) N/S 16 ICUs ICU ward 2795 N/S No
Plowman et al. (6) No 1 District general 3980 Yes for HAI No
Reilly et al. (28) Probably – at postoperative wound audit clinics 1 N/S 2202 Yes Yes
Stockley et al. (34) No 1 District general 618 complete follow‐up selected for method reporting Yes Yes
Andersen et al. (69) N/S 14 – varied over 3 years Two regional —
14 other 32 248 No Yes due to HAI —
most frequent 
deep‐seated SSI
FPSSG (13) N/S 830 88% public 236 334 No No
Geubbels et al. (14) N/S 38 Acute care 18 063 Yes No
Mintjes‐de Groot et al. (70) N/S 1 Acute care 75 517 N/S No
Pavia et al. (71) No 4 Public acute care 880 No No
Asensio and Torres (29) N/S 1 Teaching 701 Yes Yes
Golliot et al. (72) N/S 120 surgical units N/S 16 506 No No
Pittet et al. (73) No 4 University 1349 Yes for HAI No
Scheel and Stormark (47) No 71/76 Various – teaching, county; local, specialised 12 755 No No
Vaqué et al. (12) No 214 Acute care – defined by bed size 51 674 No No
Frankart et al. (74) N/S N/S University of Geneva associated hospitals  994 N/S N/S
Gastmeier et al. (30) (NIDEP) N/S 72 Selected –
acute care 14 996 N/S No
Cainzos et al. (75) N/S 8 N/S  280 Yes No
Medina et al. (76) N/S 1 Tertiary  497 N/S No
Rüden et al. (15) (NIDEP) No 72 Selected acute care 14 966 No No
Emmerson et al. (11) N/S 157 District general (103); teaching, 0private, other 37 111 No No
Kampf et al. (31) (NIDEP) N/S 72 72 – selected acute care  5377 No No
Ronveaux et al. (8) Probably – N/S 57 Acute care 16 799 – (total days of observation 230 524) Yes No
Vaqué et al. (50) No 186 (with 74 having participated every year) Various acute care –defined by bed size 49 689 No No
Erbaydar et al. (77) N/S 1 University  1482 Yes Hospital associated
Sartor et al. (78) No 8 University‐affiliated 1220; 1389 No No
Byrne et al. (52) N/S 1 N/S  3489 Yes N/S
Mertens et al. (79) Probably – N/S 85 of 218 invited; 62 choosing the SSI study Acute care 10 357 operations Yes No
Poulsen et al. (80) N/S 1 N/S 8996; 10 surgical groups– 4515 for matched cohort study Yes Yes
Coello et al. (5) N/S 1 District general 67 Yes N/S
Vegas et al. (81)
Aavitsland et al. (82) N/S 76/84 Somatic/acute care 
– four speciality 14 977 No No
Kappstein et al. (83) N/S 1 University 569 enrolled Yes No
Kappstein et al. (84)
Moro et al. (49) No 2 Acute care/university 1452 N/S No
Di Palo (85) N/S 1 University 7000 N/S N/S
Kjaersgaard et al. (48) Probably – data recorded by surgeon immediately following operation 2 N/S 3904 No No

HAI, health care‐associated infection; N/S, not stated; N/A, not applicable; SSI, surgical site infection.