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Table 2.

Unadjusted association of selected variables and SSIs

Variable SSI (Number) No SSI (Number) OR CI (95%) P value
 <60 yeas 20 68 1 <0·0001
 ≥60 years 57 773 3·9 3·3–4·6
 No 61 799 1
 Yes 16 42 4·9 4·0–6·1 <0·0001
 No 61 776 1
 Yes 16 65 3·1 2·5–3·7 <0·0001
 No 64 801 1
 Yes 13 40 4·1 3·2–5·1 <0·0001
Type of operation
 Elective 44 433 1
 Emergency 39 402 1·1 0·9–1·1 0·23
Wound drain
 No 41 567 1
 Yes 43 267 2·2 2·0–2·4 <0·0001

CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio; SSI, surgical site infection.