Figure 1. Large-bodied Afrotherians are nested within species with smaller body sizes (Tacutu et al., 2013; Puttick and Thomas, 2015).
(A) Phylogenetic relationships between Eutherian orders, examples of each order are given in parenthesis. Horizontal branch lengths are proportional to time since divergence between lineages (see scale, Millions of Ago [MYA]). The clades Atlantogenata and Boreoeutheria are indicated, the order Proboscidea is colored blue, Sirenia is colored orange, and Hyracoidea is colored red. (B) Phylogenetic relationships of extant and recently extinct Atlantogenatans with available genomes are shown along with clade names and maximum body sizes. Note that horizontal branch lengths are arbitrary, species indicated with skull and crossbones are extinct, and those in parentheses do not have genomes. The order Proboscidea is colored blue, Sirenia is colored orange, and Hyracoidea is colored red.