Fig. 2. Canine highest priority critically important antimicrobial prescription frequency.
Canine highest priority critically important antimicrobial (HPCIA) prescription frequency as a percentage of total consultations, measured by (a) practice pre-intervention (August 2018–March 2019 inclusive) and post-intervention (April–November 2019 inclusive), and (b) month. Lines in plot a refer to linear regression fits, modelling intervention status by practice, with lines referring to regression fit estimates around a 95% confidence interval (shaded region). An asterisk refers to the two practices in the HIG which declined to participate in the post-benchmarking intervention reflection and education programme. Lines in plot b refer to HPCIA prescription frequency as a percentage of total consultations; the red solid line in both plots a and b refers to findings from the control group (CG); the blue hashed line refers to the light intervention group (LIG), and the green dotted line refers to the heavy intervention group (HIG). The orange dashed line in plot b shows the month at which the initial notification took place, and the orange solid box outlines the months in which the HIG could access further support if requested. Shaded regions refer to 95% confidence intervals. Data is derived from 88,298 pre-intervention and 81,582 post-intervention CG consultations; 107,223 pre-intervention and 105,518 post-intervention LIG consultations, and 63,366 pre-intervention and 63,301 post-intervention HIG consultations.