Fig. 8. The therapeutic effects of anti-α2δ1 mAb1B50-1 on established NSCLC engraftments in NOD/SCID mice.
A, B Growth curves of A549 (A) and H520 (B) engraftments treated with 800 μg/mouse 1B50-1, 1.5 mg/kg carboplatin (CBP), or the combination of both, every other day after the tumors were visible. C, D The histograms showing the average weight of the dissected tumors of A549 (C) and H520 (D) engraftments treated with indicated regimens. E, F Photographs of the dissected tumors of A549 (E) and H520 (F) engraftments received the indicated treatments. (G) Growth curves of one NSCLC PDX tumors i.p. injected with 1B50-1, CBP, or the combination of both. H Histogram demonstrates the percentage of α2δ1+ cells in the residual tumors of A549 xenografts received the indicated treatment as detected by flow cytometry. I Dissected tumors showing the tumor-initiating ability of the A549 engraftment residues after each drug treatment, which was assayed by re-transplanting 104 cells per site with Matrigel into NOD/SCID mice. Scale bars, 5 cm. All error bars indicate SD. *p ≤ 0.05, compared with vehicle control group. Student’s t-test.