Figure 2.
Cranial evidence for thalassemia at Man Bac. (a) Anterior protrusion of the zygomatic bones consistent with rodent facies (MB05M3, approx. 6 months old, antero-lateral aspect). (b) and (c) Diploic expansion of the cranial vault. There is no porosity on the ectocranium but hair-on-end formations are present on the endocranium (MB05M12, approx. 2 years, lateral aspect). (d) Marrow hyperplasia of the zygomatic bones (MB05M12, antero-posterior view). (e) Lack of pneumatization of the frontal sinus (MB07H1M1, approx. 12 years, antero-posterior view). (f) Rodent facies of the maxilla, mandible and zygoma (MB07H2M26, approx. 1.5 years, antero-superior aspect). (g) Severe cribra orbitalia (white circle) and diploic expansion of the crania (black arrow, antero-lateral aspect) (MB07H1M1). (h) Marrow hyperplasia of the left zygoma (MB07H1M1, lateral aspect). (i) and (j) Marrow hyperplasia of the maxilla (MB07H1M1, superior-inferior view). The expanse of the marrow hyperplasia is indicated by the white arrows.