Fig. 7. Verification of P5abcES secondary structure by using 15N RD and 1HN CEST, with the help of imino chemical shift prediction.
a Secondary structure reshuffling of P5abc in the absence of Mg2+. Residues showing pronounced RD are colored in red. G164•G176 is a speculated non-native mismatch in the previous study. b Off-resonance 15N R1ρ profiles of relevant residues in P5c stem. The on-resonance 15N R1ρ profiles and 15N CEST profiles are available in Supplementary Figs. 12 and 13, respectively. The error bars represent standard deviations (s.d.) estimated using Monte Carlo simulation with 50 iterations. c 1HN CEST difference profiles of the same set of residues in P5c stem. The profile of G175 shows an asymmetrical dip caused by a small Δω (black arrow). d Depiction of imino 15N (left panel) and 1HN (right panel) chemical shifts of the excited state relative to the ground state (horizontal lines), as measured by RD (red resonances), and predicted by BP-triplet table (blue resonances), individual noncanonical BP-triplet (solid blue resonances), or semiempirical method (black resonance).