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. 2021 Feb 26;12:633881. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.633881


Details of Trichoderma isolates and confrontation assay showing the inhibition of pathogen growth by different Trichoderma isolates on PDA medium.

Strain designation Source of collection Place of collection GPS location Species identified NCBI accession Nos. Percentage of inhibition
Rhizoctonia solani Sclerotium oryzae Sclerotium rolfsii Sclerotium delphinii
CRRI-T1 Bark of a Litchi chinensis NRRI, Cuttack 85°92′E, 20°45′N Trichoderma harzianum KX853519.1 98.75A 67.50C 40.83D 63.33B
CRRI-T2 Bark of a Cassia tora 42-Mouza (Barala), Cuttack 86°92′E, 20°44′N Trichoderma erinaceum KR014407.1 100.00A 73.33B 49.58C 75.00A
CRRI-T3 Bark of a Cassia tora 42-Mouza (Barala), Cuttack 86°58′E, 20°45′N Trichoderma atroviride KR014408.1 100.00A 70.83BC 47.50C 56.67C
CRRI-T15 Bark of a Samanea saman 42-Mouza (Barala), Cuttack 86°52′E, 20°45′N Trichoderma hebeiensis MK247223.1 100.00A 84.17A 66.67A 76.25A
CRRI-T16 Bark of a Samanea saman 42-Mouza (Barala), Cuttack 86°12′E, 20°44′N Trichoderma parareesei MK247224.1 100.00A 69.58BC 57.50B 58.75BC
CRRI-T22 Decomposed wood of Dalbergia sissoo NRRI, Cuttack 85°92′E, 20°45′N Trichoderma longibrachiatum MH894348.1 98.33A 18.75E 14.17E 59.58BC
CRRI-T27 Bark of a Samanea saman Fakirpada, Cuttack 86°92′E, 20°45′N Trichoderma reesei MK163352.1 99.58A 31.67D 45.42CD 59.17BC
CV (%) 0.65 3.05 5.01 1.585
Tukey’s HSD at 5% 1.855 5.1802 6.5756 5.5483

Means with same letter are not significantly different at p ≤ 0.05.