Fig. 3. Electron microscopy micrographs of SARS-CoV-1 infected Vero cells.
A Infected cells show a rough aspect, and many microvillous projections are visible all over the cell surface (arrows). Numerous virus particles are visible at the cell membrane or in the extracellular space (arrowheads). B Cytopathic effect of viral infection generates in a number of cells condensation of cytoplasm and apoptotic cell death (arrow). C Cellular lysis with release of cell material with associated virus particles is observed. D Groups of viral particles were found inside vesicles near the plasma membrane of infected cells (arrows). E Morphological modifications of mitochondria (m) are shown, consisting in swelling with a reduction in membrane cristae amount, leading to the formation of vesicles (arrows). Virus particles are visible inside these vesicles (arrowheads). F SARS-CoV-1 infected cells display the presence of multilamellar structure: at the periphery of the structure ribosome-carrying membrane are visible (arrowheads). N nucleus, m mitochondria. Scale bars: A–C = 1 μm; D–F = 200 nm.