Sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value with application of the exclusion criteria. (A) Rate of correct positive PSP diagnoses in definite PSP (ie sensitivity) and (B) false–positive PSP diagnoses in non-4R-tauopathies (ie, 100%-specificity) with the MDS-PSP criteria (probable, possible or suggestive of PSP) and NINDS-SPSP criteria (probable or possible PSP) as a function of disease duration (1st–9th year) since onset of first symptoms. (C) Positive predictive value (PPV) for s.o. PSP (first row), possible or probable PSP combined (second row), and PSP of all certainty levels combined (third row) according to the MDS-PSP criteria; and of all certainty levels combined according to the NINDS-SPSP criteria (possible and probable PSP; forth row). Abbreviations: EOR, end of record; Prob., probable PSP; poss., possible PSP; s.o., suggestive of PSP. Not identified = patients not fulfilling the respective clinical diagnostic criteria; excluded = patients meeting the exclusion criteria of the respective clinical diagnostic criteria.