Predominance types of definite PSP patients by the MDS-criteria for the diagnosis of PSP. Data are shown as a function of disease duration (1st–9th year) since onset of first symptoms. The top row shows all patients, the middle row patients fulfilling clinical suggestive of (s.o.) PSP criteria, the lower row patients fulfilling possible or probable PSP criteria. EOR, end of record; Prob., probable PSP; poss., possible PSP; s.o., suggestive of PSP; PSP-RS, PSP with Richardson’s syndrome; PSP-PI, PSP with predominant postural instability; PSP-OM, PSP with predominant ocular motor dysfunction; PSP-PGF, PSP with progressive gait freezing; PSP-P, PSP with predominant Parkinsonism; PSP-F, PSP with predominant frontal presentation; PSP-SL, PSP with predominant speech/language disorder; PSP-CBS, PSP with predominant corticobasal syndrome. Not identified = patients not fulfilling the diagnostic criteria.