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. 2021 Mar 12;29(5):819–833.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2021.03.005

1-68 Liu et al., 2020a N/A
1-87 Liu et al., 2020a N/A
2-17 Liu et al., 2020a N/A
2-51 Liu et al., 2020a N/A
4-8 Liu et al., 2020a N/A
4-18 Liu et al., 2020a N/A
5-24 Liu et al., 2020a N/A
4A8 Chi et al., 2020 N/A

Bacterial and virus strains

VSV-G pseudo-typed ΔG-luciferase Kerafast Cat# EH1020-PM

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

SARS-CoV-2 spike protein Wrapp et al., 2020b N/A
Polyethylenimine Polysciences Cat# 24765-2
Freestyle 293 Expression Media Thermo Scientific Cat# 12338-026
Expi293 Expression Medium Thermo Scientific Cat# A14635
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium ATCC Cat# 30-2002
Fetal Bovine Serum, heat inactivated Thermo Scientific Cat# 16140071
Opti-MEM™ Reduced Serum Media Thermo Scientific Cat# 31985-070
IMAC Sepharose 6 Fast Flow GE Healthcare Cat# 17092109
Tris Base Thermo Scientific Cat# BP152-5
Sodium Chloride Thermo Scientific Cat# S271-10
Imidazole ACROS Cat# 301870025
Series S CM5 chip Cytiva Cat# BR100530
HEPES Sigma Cat# H3375
Sodium Chloride Thermo Scientific Cat# S271-10
Tween-20 Sigma Cat# P7949
BSA Sigma Cat# A7906
His Capture kit Cytiva Cat# 28995056
Phosphoric acid Sigma Cat# 345245

Critical commercial assays

FuGENE 6 Promega Cat# E2691
Strep-Tactin XT Superflow 50% Zymo research Cat#P2004-1-5
Sensor Chip CM5 Cytiva Cat#BR100030
His Capture Kit Cytiva Cat#28995056
Glycine 1.5 Cytiva Cat# BR100354
HBS-EP+ Buffer Cytiva Cat# BR100826
Spin Miniprep Kit QIAGEN Cat# 27106
Hispeed Plasmid Maxi Kit QIAGEN Cat# 12663
HisTrap Fast Flow GE Healthcare Cat# 17-0921-09
Superdex 200 Increase 10/300 GL Cytiva Cat# 28990945
HRV3C protease Thermo Scientific Cat# PI88946
Pierce™ Fab Preparation Kit Thermo Scientific Cat# 44985
EndoHf NEB Cat# P0703S
Tris Base Thermo Scientific Cat# BP152-10
Calcium acetate Sigma Cat# 114460-21-8
Sodium Cacodylate Hampton research Cat# HR2-575
Glycerol Hampton research Cat# HR2-623
PEG 8000 Sigma Cat# 25322-68-3

Experimental models: Cell lines

Vero E6 ATCC Cat# CRL-1586
HEK293T/17 ATCC Cat# CRL-11268
FreeStyle 293-F Thermo Scientific Cat# R79007
Expi293F Cells Thermo Scientific Cat# A14635
HEK293S GnTI- ATCC Cat# CRL-3022
I1 mouse hybridoma ATCC Cat# CRL-2700

Recombinant DNA

pCMV3-SARS-CoV-2-spike Dr. Peihui Wang, Shandong University, China N/A
pα-H vector Laboratory of Daniel Leahy N/A
pVRC8400 vector Cat#63160

Deposited data

Crystallographic structure of neutralizing antibody 2-51 in complex with SARS-CoV-2 spike N-terminal domain (NTD) This study PDB: 7L2C
Cryo-EM structure of NTD-directed neutralizing antibody 1-87 in complex with prefusion SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein This study PDB: 7L2D
EMDB: EMD-23125
Cryo-EM structure of NTD-directed neutralizing antibody 4-18 in complex with prefusion SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein This study PDB: 7L2E
EMDB: EMD-23126
Cryo-EM structure of NTD-directed neutralizing antibody 5-24 in complex with prefusion SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein This study PDB: 7L2F
EMDB: EMD-23127
Cryo-EM structure of NTD-directed neutralizing antibody 4-8 in complex with prefusion SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein This study PDB: 7LQV
EMDB: EMD-23489
Cryo-EM structure of NTD-directed neutralizing antibody 2-17 in complex with prefusion SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein This study PDB: 7LQW
EMDB: EMD-23490
Cryo-EM map of NTD-directed neutralizing antibody 1-68 in complex with prefusion SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein This study EMDB: EMD-23150
Cryo-EM map of NTD-directed neutralizing antibody 2-51 in complex with prefusion SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein This study EMDB: EMD-23151

Software and algorithms

AIMLESS Evans and Murshudov, 2013
CCP4 Winn et al., 2011
Coot Emsley and Cowtan, 2004
cryoSPARC Punjani et al., 2017
Leginon Suloway et al., 2005
Molprobity Davis et al., 2004
Phaser McCoy, 2007
Phenix Adams et al., 2010
The PyMOL Molecular Graphics System, Version 2.0 Schrödinger, LLC
SAbPred Dunbar et al., 2016
UCSF Chimera Pettersen et al., 2004
UCSF Chimera X Pettersen et al., 2021
XDS Kabsch, 2010
GraphPad Prism Software GraphPad Prism Software, Inc. N/A
PDBePISA Krissinel and Henrick, 2007
Scrubber 2.0 BioLogic Software
The PyMol Molecular Graphics System, v1.8.6 Schrödinger, LLC
IgBLAST-1.16 Ye et al., 2013
IMGT Schramm et al., 2016
MUSCLE v3.8.31 Edgar, 2004
SONAR v2.0 Schramm et al., 2016
Python v3.8.3
The R Project for Statistical Computing
R bio3d package Grant et al., 2006
MAFFT Katoh et al., 2002
FreeSASA v2.0.3 Mitternacht, 2016