Figure 4.
Establishment of controller status by successive cART therapy for 8 wk beginning at week 2 PI and combination bNAb treatment commencing on week 9 PI in rhesus macaques inoculated with SHIVAD8-EO. (A) Six rhesus macaques were inoculated i.r. with 1,000 TCID50 of SHIVAD8-EO and initially received daily cART therapy for 8 wk beginning at week 2 PI (red bar) and were then administered combination 10–1074 plus 3BNC117 bNAbs (10 mg/kg each) at weeks 9, 11, and 13 PI (blue arrows). (B–G) Plasma virus loads in three controller (B–D) and three progressor (E–G) macaques are shown. Red arrows indicate the times of the anti-CD8α–depleting mAb MT807R1 infusion.