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. 2021 Mar 11;21:488. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-10267-0

Table 1.

Characteristics of the study population

Characteristics N % Citation
Mean age 33, 7 [1937]
 Male 276,751 66,9 [1936, 3840]
 Female 137,025 33,1 [1936, 3840]
Type of DR TB
 RR/ MDR 2173 0,5 [1935, 38, 39]
 PRE- XDR 104 0, 03 [1935, 38, 39]
 XDR 330 0,08 [1935, 38, 39]
Mono drug resistance (other than RIF) 136 0,03 [1935, 38, 39]
Poli drug resistance) 18 0,004 [1935, 38, 39]
STB/ controls 2473 0,5 [1935, 38, 39]
DRTB type not indicated (no breakdown) 408,542 98,7 [36, 37, 40]
Duration of study – Average duration of studies 32 months [1940]
Treatment outcomes
 Favourable (Cured/ Treatment completed) 89,410 21,60 [29, 31, 33, 37]
 Unfavourable (Died/ Defaulted/ LTFU/ Failed/ relapse) 66,063 15, 96 [29, 31, 33, 37]
 Transferred out 8 0,002 [31]
 Treatment outcome not evaluated in study 258,295 62,42 [30, 32, 3436, 3840]