6BN prevents the effects of MTD on newborn withdrawal. Pups at 48 h after birth were placed in the open-field arena for 10 min and video recorded. (A) Distance traveled in meters; (B) total freezing time in seconds; (C) total number of calls in 10 min; (D) signal-to-noize ratio (SNR, or “loudness”) of calls. Three behaviors show a significant overall effect of 6BN by linear trend test: p < 0.05 for (A), (B) and (D). For individual comparisons to “0 6BN”, by Dunnett post-hoc test: *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01. For comparison of “0 6BN” to saline control (gray horizontal lines, mean ± SEM) by t-test: ψ p < 0.05; ψψ p <0.01; ψψψ p <0.001. An average of 16 pups from 8 litters was used in each dosage group.