Dose-dependent effect of 6BN using normalized composite outcome scores. Pups at 48 hr after birth were placed in the open-field arena for 10 min and video recorded. (A) Data for distance traveled, total freezing time, number of calls in 10 min, and call SNR (“loudness”) were merged to generate composite outcome scores (see text for details). (B) Same as A, but without “number of calls” as a factor in composite score. In (A), (B): p < 0.05 for overall effect of 6BN by linear trend test; *p < 0.05 compared to “0 6BN”, by Dunnett post-hoc test; yy p < 0.01 for “0 6BN” compared to saline control (grey lines, mean±SEM). An average of 16 pups from 8 litters was used in each dosage group.