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. 2020 Jul 15;16(7):1099–1105. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.8436

Table 3.

Sleep scores stratified by subgroups.

Total Sleep Score Bedtime Resistance Sleep- Onset Delay Sleep Duration Sleep Anxiety Night Awakenings Parasomnias Sleep-Disordered Breathing Daytime Sleepiness
PIH 47.5 (P = .975) 7.3 (P = .444) 1.8 (P = .145) 4.8 (P = .707) 4.6 (P = .182) 4.2 (P = .311) 8.7 (P = .206) 3.5 (P = .770) 13.9 (P = .952)
SIH 47.5 (P = .975) 7.7 (P = .444) 1.6 (P = .145) 4.6 (P = .707) 5.1 (P = .182) 4.5 (P = .311) 9.4 (P = .206) 3.6 (P = .770) 14.0 (P = .952)
Nonobese 48.9 (P = .270) 8.1 (P = .019) 1.6 (P = .255) 4.4 (P =.161) 5.4 (P = .006) 4.5 (P = .253) 9.6 (P = .018) 3.4 (P = .371) 13.8 (P = .792)
Obese 46.4 (P = .270) 7.0 (P = .019) 1.8 (P = .255) 5.0 (P = .161) 4.4 (P = .006) 4.1 (P = .253) 8.5 (P = .018) 3.6 (P = .371) 14.0 (P = .792)
Prepubertal 47.4 (P = .953) 8.4 (P = .003) 1.6 (P = .088) 4.1 (P = .020) 5.6 (P = .002) 4.5 (P = .416) 9.6 (P = .035) 3.5 (P = .753) 12.8 (P = .048)
Postpubertal 47.5 (P = .953) 6.9 (P = .003) 1.9 (P = .088) 5.1 (P = .020) 4.4 (P = .002) 4.2 (P = .416) 8.6 (P = .035) 3.6 (P = .753) 14.5 (P = .048)
Headache-free 44.8 (P = .089) 7.3 (P = .669) 1.6 (P = .318) 4.7 (P = .950) 4.7 (P = .636) 4.0 (P = .271) 8.4 (P = .103) 3.5 (P = .952) 12.5 (P = .027)
Headaches 48.8 (P = .089) 7.5 (P = .669) 1.8 (P = .318) 4.7 (P = .950) 4.9 (P = .636) 4.4 (P = .271) 9.2 (P = .103) 3.5 (P = .952) 14.5 (P = .027)
No medications 50.8 (P = .929) 8.3 (P = .047) 1.8 (P = .405) 4.3 (P < .001) 5.4 (P = .028) 4.5 (P = .625) 9.7 (P = .822) 3.9 (P = .451) 14.5 (P = .505)
Medications 51.1 (P = .929) 7.1 (P = .047) 2.0 (P = .405) 6.1 (P < .001) 4.4 (P = .028) 4.7 (P = .625) 9.5 (P = .822) 3.6 (P = .451) 15.1 (P = .505)

There was no difference in the total sleep disturbance score between patient subsets, but statistically significant differences included bedtime resistance scores in nonobese vs obese patients, prepubertal vs. postpubertal patients, and no medications vs. medications; sleep duration scores in prepubertal vs postpubertal and no medications vs. medications; sleep anxiety scores in nonobese vs. obese patients, prepubertal vs. postpubertal patients, and no medications vs. medications; parasomnias score in nonobese vs. obese patients and prepubertal vs. postpubertal patients; and daytime sleepiness score in prepubertal vs. postpubertal and headache-free vs. patients with headaches. PIH = primary intracranial hypertension; SIH = secondary intracranial hypertension.