Extended Data Fig. 1. SIRT6 acts as a tumor suppressor in human HNSCC.
Extended Data Figure 1 (related to Fig. 1). a, Kaplan-Meier survival analysis of HNSCC patients based on SIRT6 copy number (log-rank test, p=0.0133) b, SIRT6 expression level in human HNSCC compared to matched normal tissue (t-test, p=1.89e-6), or by tumor grade, respectively from the Oncomine c, SIRT6 copy number change in human HNSCC compared to normal tissue (t-test, p=1.29e-13), or by metastasis feature from the TCGA listed in the Oncomine. d, Representative SIRT6 immunostaining from human normal foreskin, differentiated HNSCC characterized by keratin pearl (KP), and undifferentiated HNSCC (T, tumor). Scale bars indicate 100μm. e, SIRT6 gene copy number change in human cancer cell lines from the CCLE. Statistics, sample sizes (n) and numbers of replications are presented in Methods, ‘Statistics and reproducibility’.