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. 2020 Apr 7;51(3):892–905. doi: 10.1007/s10803-020-04486-4

Table 2.

Overview of exploring being autistic

Week Topic Content
1 Introduction and establishing ground rules The structure of the group. Overview of contents. Introductions. Sharing autism histories
2 Diagnosis/Identification of Autism—what does it mean for you? Initial feelings about autism. Is the label limiting or liberating? Disclosure in different contexts
3 Social communication and Theory of Mind Factual vs social communication. Implicit and explicit rules. Non-verbal communication
4 Improving social communication Locating and moderating emotions. Face theory. Empathy. Social skills vs social connection
5 Sensory issues Stimming. Hyper and hypo sensitivities. Emotional sensitivity
6 Executive dysfunction What gets in the way of moving from motivation to action? Strategies. Time keeping
7 Attention and disparate ability profiles Attention shifting, mono attention, special interests. Spiky ability profiles
8 Flexibility Dealing with change. Use of routines. Perfectionism. Boundaries
9 Anxiety, depression and mental health The relationship between autism and mental health. Benefits and pitfalls of disclosure
10 Where to from here? Consolidation. Autism and the law. Planning for the future. Course evaluation