Fig. 2.
Establishment of KIT-dimer-expressing cell lines. a The expression of KIT-dimer in untransfected and transfected 293 cells detected by western blotting using native-PAGE whereas the expression of KIT-monomer detected by western blotting using SDS-PAGE (M meant 293 cells transfected with c-kit mutated-type pcDNA3.1, W meant 293 cells transfected with c-kit wild-type pcDNA3.1, P meant 293 cells transfected with blank pcDNA3.1, and 293 meant untransfected 293 cells). b DNA sequence analysis of exon 11 mutation (point mutation in V560D, GTT → GAT) in c-kit mutated-type pcDNA3.1 transfected 293 cells. c Cell proliferation of untransfected and transfected 293 cells detected using MTT (M meant 293 cells transfected with c-kit mutated-type pcDNA3.1, W meant 293 cells transfected with c-kit wild-type pcDNA3.1, and P meant 293 cells transfected with blank pcDNA3.1). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01