Fig. 1. Dirty and clean optical responses.
a Band structure in the Bogoliubov de-Gennes (BdG) formalism. Superconducting pairing opens the bandgap at the Fermi level EF by mixing electron (red) and hole (blue) bands as shown in (b). ck and indicate the electron and hole annihilation operators, respectively. b Optical excitations in dirty and clean limits by spatially uniform light (q = 0) across the superconducting gap 2Δ. The momentum transfer p − k in the left figure is supplied from the impurity potential. The crossover from dirty to clean optical responses occurs when the mean free path l exceeds the superconducting coherence length ξ0 by a factor . Here, kF is the Fermi wave number, and α is a degree of multiband pairing (see the text above Eq. (6) for its more precise definition). The red and blue colors schematically represent the electron–hole band mixing in the superconducting state. c Real part of the optical conductivity in clean systems (x > 1). σs = σdis + σint in the superconducting state is the sum of disorder-mediated and intrinsic parts. σint ∝ ω−1 is insensitive to x while σdis ∝ x−1ω−2 depends significantly on x. The Drude conductivity in the normal state σn is also shown as dashed lines. d, e Ratio of superconducting and normal state conductivities. d Disorder-mediated part. e Intrinsic part.