Fig. 2. Selection rules in clean superconductors.
a Selection rule by unitary symmetry. λ1,2 are eigenvalues of a k-local unitary symmetry operator. No optical excitation occurs between two states with different eigenvalues. b Selection rule by symmetry. The case with is shown. No optical transition occurs between PC-related states when (PC)2 = −1. c Optical excitation channels in -symmetric superconductors in the clean limit. At low photon energies comparable to the superconducting gap 2Δ, the relevant excitations are spectrum-inversion-symmetric (SIS) ones, i.e., from energy −E to E. For nondegenerate bands, they are transitions between -related pairs. d, e Optical excitations in spin-degenerate systems with and without spin–orbit coupling, respectively. (here, the order of d and e has been changed in order to match the label in the figure.) In d, symmetry with (PT)2 = −1 imposes Kramers degeneracy. As a state can be excited to one of two SIS states, and , the excitation from is possible even when one transition channel, from to , is blocked by (PC)2 = −1. The same applies to the excitation from . In e, the boxes labeled up and down indicate the spin up and down eigenspace (sz = ℏ/2 and − ℏ/2, respectively). Since C reverses the spin (the anti-particle of a spin-up electron carries the down spin) while P does not change the spin, PC reverses the spin. Its combination with the spin rotation around the y axis, which is iσy for spin-singlet pairing, acts within a sz sector. For spin-triplet pairing, the spin rotation around the y-axis acts on the particle and hole sector with an opposite sign due to the spin carried by the Cooper pair, so the additional τz is introduced (see section 3 in the “Methods”). Optical excitations are forbidden when defined within a spin sector, which is −iPCσy for singlet pairing (−iPCτzσy for triplet pairing), satisfies . EF is the Fermi level in all figures.