A, Cx protein levels determined by Western blot. Left: Cx37. Nmice=6 per group. Middle: Cx40. Wild type (Wt), nmice=7; Cx40KO mice, nmice=8. Right: Cx43. Nmice=4 per group. B, Vascular relaxation in large proximal pulmonary arteries (PAs) (second order). C, Vascular relaxation in small distal PAs (fourth‐fifth order). Left: Endothelial cell (EC)–dependent relaxation. Nmice=6 per group. Middle: Endothelium‐dependent hyperpolarization (EDH)–mediated relaxation. Nmice=6 per group. Right: Smooth muscle (SM)–dependent relaxation. Nmice=6 per group. D, Typical record of right ventricular pressure (RVP) and summarized data of right ventricular systolic pressure (RVSP). Wt, nmice=9; Cx40KO, nmice=8. E, Fulton Index (right ventricle [RV]/(left ventricle [LV]+septum [S])). Wt, nmice=5; Cx40KO, nmice=7. Data are mean±SEM. *P<0.05 vs Wt. Unpaired Student t‐test (2 tailed) was used for comparisons of 2 experimental groups. Statistical comparison between dose‐response curves was made by 2‐way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test. In the data of Cx40 and Cx43 in Figure 3A, Mann‐Whitney was used for the statistical comparison. ACh indicates acetylcholine; Indo, indomethacin; L‐NAME, N‐nitro‐L‐arginine methyl ester; and SNP, sodium nitroprusside.