Figure 3.
Nontargeted metabolomics analysis presented key differential metabolites between HHF-fed-THF-treated and HFF-fed-vehicle-treated rats. (a) Representative GC-MS total ion chromatograph of plasma from HFF-fed and THF (200 mg/kg) treated group (THF), HFF-fed and vehicle-treated group (HFF), and the control group (Cont) rats. (b) Multivariate statistical analysis of GC-MS metabolic profiling data. PCA scores plot and OPLS-DA scores plot were derived from GC-MS spectra of three groups of rats (THF, blue triangles; HFF, red dot; Cont, green diamond) and statistical validation of the OPLS-DA model by permutation testing. (c) Chemical classification of the key differential metabolites based on the annotations of Human Metabolome Database ( and their corresponding percentage. (d) Cellular locations of the key differential metabolites based on the annotations of Human Metabolome Database ( and their corresponding percentage. HFF, high-fat and high-fructose diets; THF, a mixed extract of P. notoginseng and C. chinensis; PCA, principle component analysis; PLS-DA, partial least squares-discriminate analysis; OPLS-DA, pairwise orthogonal projections to latent structures discriminate analysis.