Fig. 6. Role of Ang II receptors inhibition in angiogenesis and mRNA/protein expression of VEGFR1, VEGFR2 and AT2R in MCECs.
(A)-(G) Representative micrographs (PCM) of tube formation on Matrigel with losartan/PD0123319 pretreatment followed by Ang II treatment for 2 h. Magnification: 10x. A to D show tube formation with control, Ang II (10 μM), losartan (1 μM) and PD0123319 (1 μM)-treated MCECs. E shows tube formation with losartan pretreatment followed by Ang II treatment for 2 h. F shows tube formation with PD0123319 pretreatment followed by Ang II treatment for 2 h. G shows tube formation with losartan and PD0123319 pretreatment followed by Ang II treatment for 2 h. (H) Quantitative data of circles with different treatments stated in A through G. (I) Representative WB band images of VEGFR1, VEGFR2, AT2R and β-actin proteins in MCECs with losartan/PD0123319 pretreatment followed by Ang II treatment for 2 h. (J) Quantification of WB data of VEGFR1 protein levels stated in panel I. (K) Quantification of WB data of VEGFR2 protein levels stated in panel I. (L) Quantification of WB data of AT2R protein levels stated in panel I. n=6 for each group. Each bar represents mean ± SEM. *p < .05 vs control, **p < .005 vs control, and ***p < .005 vs control, +p < .05 vs Ang II, ++p < .005 vs Ang II, +++p < .0005 vs Ang II, %p < .05 vs L, %%p < .005 vs L, @p < .05 vs PD and @@p < .005 vs PD. HPF = high power field, L = Losartan and PD/Pd = PD0123319.