Figure 4.
Partial view along the [−1,1,0] direction of the packing of [Pt(L1)Cl]+ cations in [Pt(L1)Cl](BF4). Only H atoms involved in the relevant H-bonds are shown for clarity. Dimers of the complex cation featuring C-H···O and C-H···Cl bonds [H10Bi···Cl1 2.89, C10i···Cl1 3.751(7) Å, C10i-H10Bi···Cl1 146°, H11Bi···O1 2.43, C11i···O1 3.397(9)Å, C11i-H11Bi···O1 167°] are held together by weak Pt1i···Sii [Pt1i···S2ii 3.625(2) Å] contacts and C-H···Cl H-bonds [H12Aii···Cl1i 2.88, C12ii···Cl1i 3.533(6) Å, C12ii-H12Aii···Cl1i 124°] to form chains which run along the [001] direction. Symmetry codes: i = 1 − x, 1 − y, −z; ii = x, y, −1 + z.