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. 2021 Feb 25;21(5):1613. doi: 10.3390/s21051613
Algorithm 1 The proposed character recognition algorithm
Input: EEG Data, X with the size of (N × 150 × 30)
Output: Predict Result C
Initialize: i ← 0, P(N) ← 0
for each i ∈ [1, N] do
  Normalized Data: IiBN(Xi)
  Extract spatial feature, filter size of(1 × 30): CliReLU(BN((Ii · Ws + bs))
  Pooling, apply with stride(2 × 1): Mimaxpooling (C1i)
  Extract temporal feature, filter size of(20 × 1): C2iReLU(BN((Mi · Ws + bs))
  Fully connected:
   F1ifully connected(C2i), FliSoftmax(Fli)
   F2ifully connected(F2i)
   P(i) ← F2i[1]
end for
C ← max(P)