Comparison of time courses of 80S 2C reaction with Pmn. 80S 2C complexes with MetPhe‐tRNA
Phe in the presence of eEF2 and eEF3 (D), eEF2 (E) or eEF3 (F), or in the absence of eEF2 and eEF3 (brown triangles), with Pmn in a quench‐flow apparatus. As indicated, the reaction was started either by mixing all components, or by addition of Pmn to a mixture of 80S 2C with the factors preincubated for 15 min. The extent of MetPhe‐Pmn formation was analyzed by HPLC and radioactivity counting. Data are normalized to Met‐Phe‐Pmn formation in the presence of eEF2 and eEF3 (D), eEF2, (E) or eEF3 (F) with the maximum value in the dataset set to 1. Data presented as mean ± SEM of
n = 3. For comparison, data from Fig
2B are plotted.