RNA bisulphite sequencing map for mitochondrial tRNA Met‐CAU in wild‐type (top) and noNSUN (bottom) strains. Each row represents one sequence read, and each column one cytosine.
Per cent identity matrix of human NSUN proteins according to the Clustal Omega multiple alignment tool.
C, D
Targeted bisulphite‐sequencing heat map showing non‐conversion rates of cytosines in mitochondrial tRNA Met‐CAU (C) and mitochondrial 18S rRNA (D). Each row represents one genetic strain analysed, and each column represents one cytosine.
Treefam phylogenetic tree based on sequence conservation of NSUN3 proteins in different model organisms. Bootstrap values are indicated on branches.
Data information: In (A), a representative map of the replicates is shown, n = 3 independent biological replicates. In (C, D), the average of two experiments is plotted, n = 2 independent biological replicates, 10 clones sequenced per strain, per replicate. Similar effects were observed in all replicates analysed.