Figure 1.
The treatment of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) mice with the dual inhibitor VP3.15 ameliorates the clinical course from the beginning of the administration; (a): Procedure outline; (b): Time course representation of the clinical performance of EAE mice from the onset of symptoms, showing a lower clinical score in the EAE-VP3.15 compared to EAE-VEH (two-way ANOVA to compare the two treatments: p < 0.05; results of Student’s t-test are represented as: * p < 0.05 from day 19 to day 22); (c): Exponential expression of the score decay from the beginning of the VP3.15 treatment, where the score (S) at every time point is normalized by the maximal score (Smax). The expression shows that VP3.15 maintains the score in a lower level than vehicle at longer times. Abbreviations: dpo = days post onset, Sf = score fraction; S∞ = score at infinite times. EAE: n = 17; EAE-VEH: n = 7; EAE-VP3.15: n = 10; SHAM: n = 13.