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. 2021 Apr;111(4):704–707. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2020.306130


SARIMA Model Results for Predicted Deaths, Total Recorded Deaths, and COVID-19–Related Deaths: Florida, 2020

Deaths March April May June July August September Total
Total all-cause recorded deaths, no. 19 683 19 209 19 095 18 803 23 958 23 537 19 493 143 778
SARIMA predicted deaths based on Pre–COVID-19 data, no. 19 204 18 402 18 335 17 334 17 643 17 046 16 573 124 537
Excess deaths
 No. 479 807 760 1 469 6 315 6 491 2 920 19 241
 % 2.5 4.4 4.1 8.5 35.8 38.1 17.6 15.5
Official reported COVID-19 deaths
 No. 85 1 183 1 183 1 054 3 338 4 344 3 130 14 317
 % 17.7 146.6 155.7 71.7 52.9 66.9 107.2 74.4
Estimated change in all-cause, excluding COVID-19, deaths 394 –376 –423 415 2 977 2 147 –210 4 924

Note. SARIMA = seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average.