Fig. 5.
High-affinity single mutants showed improved HIV-1 neutralization breadth and potency that was closely correlated to BG505 trimer affinity. (A) Single variants analyzed for pseudovirus IC50 neutralization on a 10-virus panel comprising n = 8 FP8v1 and n = 2 FP8v2 viral isolates. (B) Relationships between BG505-FP8v1 IC50 neutralization titer and BG505-FP8v1 affinity (KD, Left); and relationship between IC50 neutralization titer on a 10-virus panel and fusion peptide affinity (Middle) and BG505_FP8v1 affinity (Right). (SI Appendix, Fig. S6). Pearson correlation coefficients are provided in the panels; red arrows indicate wild-type vFP16.02. Shaded areas indicate 95% confidence limits. (C) Neutralization breadth and potency assessed on a 208-viral isolate panel for wild-type vFP16.02, VL-S48K, and VL-F60P with a maximum IC50 of 50 µg/mL. (D) Neutralization dendrogram showing the diversity of 208 viral strains neutralized by VL-S48K with branches colored according to neutralization potency and nonneutralized viruses shown in gray. Also see a dendrogram for VL-F60P for comparison in SI Appendix, Fig. S8.