Fig. 3.
Sensitivity tests including products above 35% THC and products with THC:CBD ratios of less than 5. This figure consists of four plots showing histograms of the frequency of reported THC, with bins to the left of the 20% threshold shaded red and bins to the right of the 20% threshold shaded blue. The top row is similar to the top row of Fig. 1, except that products above 35% THC are included, and there is no left-truncation of plots at 10% THC. The top left plot (panel a) shows data from Nevada and the top right plot (panel b) shows data from Washington state; both panels show a spike in reported THC concentrations around the 20% threshold. The bottom row shows the THC frequencies for flower products with THC:CBD ratios of less than 5 (i.e., mixed or predominantly CBD products) in Nevada (panel c) and Washington (panel d). Histogram bins were generated via the DCdensity function. In both states, there are few products with such THC:CBD ratios around the 20% THC threshold