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. 2021 Mar 15;203(6):689–698. doi: 10.1164/rccm.202005-1854OC

Table 1.

Baseline Demographics and Characteristics of the Patients Included in the Systematic Review of Pharmacological Trials Lasting 12 Months or Longer in Patients with COPD

  (1997–2003) BRONCUS*
Ref 16
(1992–1998) ISOLDE*
Ref 6
(2000–2005) TORCH*
Refs 10 and 18
(2003–2008) UPLIFT*
Ref 11
(1986–1994) Lung Health I* Ref 3 (2011–2015) Zhou et al.* Ref 19 (2011–2015) SUMMIT*
Refs 12 and 20
(1992–1994) Copenhagen City Lung Study* Ref 17 (1994–1999) Lung Health Triamcinolone* Ref 21
Treatment arms: placebo/active intervention(s) Placebo/N-acetylcysteine Placebo/fluticasone propionate Placebo/salmeterol/fluticasone propionate/salmeterol + fluticasone propionate Placebo/tiotropium Placebo/ipratropium bromide Placebo/tiotropium Placebo/fluticasone furoate/vilanterol/fluticasone furoate + vilanterol Placebo/budesonide Placebo/triamcinolone acetonide
Number of participants in study (and in RoD analysis, if different), (total) placebo/total active intervention (523) 267/256 (751) 375/376InRoD analysis: (664) 325/339 (6,184) 1,545/4,639InRoD analysis: (5,343) 1,261/4,082 (5,992) 3,006/2,986InRoD analysis: (4,964) 2,410/2,554 (3,923) 1,962/1,961 (771) 383/388 (16,485) 4,111/12,374InRoD analysis: (15,457) 3,800/11,657 (290) 145/145 (1,116) 557/559
Age, mean, yr 62 64 65 65 48 64 65 59 56
Sex, F, n (%) 110 (21) 191 (25) 1,263 (24) 1,520 (25) 2,186 (37) 113 (15) 4,196 (25) 115 (40) 412 (37)
Smoking status current, % 46% 38% 44% 30% NA 41% 47% 77% 90%
Previous year exacerbation hx, yearly rate Placebo: 2.5Active: 2.4 NA 0: 43% NA NA NA 0: 61% NA NA
  1: 25% 1: 24%
  ≥2: 32% ≥2: 15%
FEV1, mean, L 1.65 1.41 1.24 1.3 2.75 1.9 1.7 2.4 2.3
FEV1, mean, % predicted 57 50 45 48 75 78 60 87 68
Study duration 3 yr 3 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 2 yr 1.8 yr 3 yr 40 mo§
Number of spirometric assessments 13 12 5 17 5 6 7 12 Every 6 mo
Completion of the study placebo/total active intervention 168/186 175/212 55%/63% 1,648/1,887 >94%** 282/303 2,919/9,311 94/109 92%

Definition of abbreviations: BRONCUS = Bronchitis Randomized on NAC Cost-Utility Study; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; hx = history; ISOLDE = Inhaled Steroids in Obstructive Lung Disease in Europe; NA = not available; Ref = reference; RoD = rate of decline in FEV1; SUMMIT = Study to Understand Mortality and Morbidity; TORCH = Toward a Revolution in COPD Health; UPLIFT = Understanding Potential Long-Term Impacts on Function with Tiotropium.

Statements and numbers in bold reflect the active arms of the study.


Date is start of recruitment to study complete.

Post-bronchodilator FEV1 except for Lung Health I and Copenhagen City Lung Study.

Study was event-driven average treatment in years.


Variable follow-up.

15,457 contributed an average of seven post-bronchodilator assessments at 3-month intervals.

Every 6 months during follow-up.


Completed fifth year of spirometry.