Occlusal dental caries: (a–d) QLF caries score 2 (fluorescence loss and red fluorescence glow extending around pits and fissures) and radiographic caries score 3 (radiolucency extending to the middle 1/3 of the dentine) on #47; (e–h) QLF caries score 3 (red fluorescence glow extending around pits and fissures and a dark shadow from dentin present) and radiographic caries score 3 (radiolucency extending to the middle 1/3 of the dentine) on #37; (i–l) QLF caries score 3 (red fluorescence glow extending around pits and fissures and a dark shadow from dentin present) and radiographic caries score 3 (radiolucency extending to the middle 1/3 of the dentine) on #47; (a,e,i): white-light image of QLF; (b,f,j): fluorescence image of QLF; (c,g,k): bitewing radiograph; (d,h,l): analyzed QLF image using QA2 software.