Fig 1. Effect of Class I- and Class II-HDAC inhibitors on Mesocestoides vogae TTy (tetrathyridia) viability.
In vitro anthelmintic activity was determined for the Class I-HDAC inhibitors: (A) entinostat, (B) TH65, (C) EG18, and (D) TB87; and the Class II-HDAC inhibitors: (E) JS16, (F) JS28, (G) KK16, and (H) ST36. The compounds were evaluated at concentrations of 2, 20 and 50 μM (TH65 was not evaluated at 50 μM due to low solubility) and at different incubation times, using the M. vogae TTy motility assay. Parasites incubated with the drug vehicle (DMSO 1%) were used as a negative control. Relative motility indices were measured from three independent biological replicates, each one in quadruplicate. Error bars represent the standard deviation and the asterisks indicate those values that showed differences with statistical significance compared to the negative control, according to two-way ANOVA test and Dunnett’s post-tests (*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001; ****, p < 0.0001).