SSL record and its relationship with subdecadal Atlantic SST. (A) AMV based on the Ti record from SSL (AMVSSL) compared to reconstructed AMV (12). (B to H) Same as A but AMVSSL compared to AMV from Mann et al. (B) (13), ocean temperature south of Iceland from core Rapid-17–5P (C) (31), T. quinqueloba (light blue) from core EN539-MC14-A and T. quinqueloba (dark blue) from core MC16-A (D) (32), the δ18O from shells of the long-lived marine bivalve A. islandica (E) (33), the SIC off SE Greenland (F) (34), the BWT at Malangen Fjord (G) (35); and G. bulloides abundance from Cariaco Basin (H) (36). In D, SPG stands for subpolar gyre. Shaded gray regions represent the 95% confidence intervals on the reconstructed AMVSSL, based on uncertainty estimates (Methods).