(A) The callosal innervation pattern in S1 at P30 in control mice (Emx1cre/+; Grin2afl/wt) is similar as the pattern in P14 WT control mice, with few axons in S1 but a dense innervation at S1/S2 border. (B) In the mutant mice (Emx1cre/+; Grin2afl/fl), the general innervation pattern was as same as control. However, the increased callosal innervation at the border of M1 and S1 was persistent at P30 (see ‘*’ in B’). (C) Quantification of fluorescence density. p=0.63. (D) In control Emx1cre/+; Grin2bfl/wt mice, the callosal innervation pattern at P30 was as normal as WT control. (E) However, the increased callosal innervation in Emx1cre/+; Grin2bfl/fl mice lasted at least to P30 as we observed in Emx1cre/+; Grin1fl/fl mice at P30. (F) Quantification of fluorescence density. p=0.007. Scale bar: 500 μm for all images.