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. 2021 Feb 25;11:614093. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.614093

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of all TS patients.

Age at diagnosis, Median (Q1-Q3) 17.00 (7.25–61.50)
Region, N (%)
 Pacific Coast 76 (48.10%)
 East 57 (36.08%)
 Northern Plains 14 (8.86%)
 Southwest 11 (6.96%)
Race, N (%)
 White 117 (76.47%)
 Black 28 (18.30%)
 Asian or Pacific Islander 7 (4.58%)
 American Indian/Alaska Native 1 (0.65%)
Marital status, N (%)
 Single (never married)/Unmarried or Domestic Partner 104 (69.80%)
 Married (including common law) 38 (25.50%)
 Divorced/separated/widowed 7 (4.70%)
Year of diagnosis, N (%)
 2006 12 (7.59%)
 2007 12 (7.59%)
 2008 22 (13.92%)
 2009 9 (5.70%)
 2010 10 (6.33%)
 2011 20 (12.66%)
 2012 15 (9.49%)
 2013 13 (8.23%)
 2014 16 (10.13%)
 2015 13 (8.23%)
 2016 16 (10.13%)
Differentiation grade, N (%)
 Well differentiated; Grade I (G1) 24 (34.29%)
 Moderately differentiated; Grade II (G2) 7 (10.00%)
 Poorly differentiated; Grade III (G3) 16 (22.86%)
 Undifferentiated; anaplastic; Grade IV (G4) 23 (32.86%)
Laterality, N (%)
 Unilateral 75 (47.47%)
 Bilateral 83 (52.53%)
Tumor size, N (%)
 <2.0 4 (3.25%)
 2.0–4.0 20 (16.26%)
 ≥4.0 99 (80.49%)
Surgery, N (%)
 None 2 (1.27%)
 Partial dissection 1 (0.63%)
 Orchiectomy 153 (96.84%)
 Method unknown 2 (1.27%)
RPLND, N (%)
 Yes 36 (23.08%)
 No 120 (76.92%)
Radiotherapy, N (%)
 None 117 (74.05%)
 Adjuvant 39 (24.68%)
 Neoadjuvant 2 (1.27%)
AFP, N (%)
 Normal 20 (83.33%)
 Normal–1,000 2 (8.33%)
 1,000–10,000 1 (4.17%)
 >10,000 1 (4.17%)
hCG, N (%)
 Normal 18 (78.26%)
 Normal–5,000 5 (21.74%)
LDH, N (%)
 Normal 11 (57.89%)
 Normal–1.5N a 5 (26.32%)
 1.5N - 10N 3 (15.79%)
Metastasis, N (%)
 No 95 (61.69%)
 Localized 31 (20.13%)
 Distant 28 (18.18%)
Invasion, N (%)
 Tis 42 (30.43%)
 T1 53 (38.41%)
 T2 15 (10.87%)
 T3 20 (14.49%)
 T4 5 (3.62%)
 >T4 3 (2.17%)

Q, quartile; RPLND, retroperitoneal lymph node dissection; AFP, Alpha Fetoprotein; hCG, human Chorionic Gonadotropin; LDH, Lactate Dehydrogenase.


N, normal.