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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 Mar 15.
Published in final edited form as: Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet. 2019 Aug 30;181(4):693–708. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.c.31740


EpiGenotype/phenotype correlations

Feature Totala n (%) or mean (SD) IC1 GOMb IC2 LOMc pUPD11d p valuee
Sex, male 99/228 (43.4%) 12/32 (37.5%) 54/118 (45.8%) 33/78 (42.3%) .684
Diagnosis source, blood 192/228 (84.2%) 25/32 (78.1%) 116/118 (98.3%) 51/78 (65.4%) <.001***
Clinical score 7.14 (2.53) 6.09 (2.60) 7.74 (2.22) 6.71 (2.71) .001**
Suggestive features 3.25 (1.65) 2.78 (1.70) 3.59 (1.42) 2.93 (1.84) .006**
Cardinal features 1.95 (0.82) 1.66 (0.83) 2.07 (0.81) 1.89 (0.81) .031*
Diagnosis indication <.001***
 BWS features 151/213 (70.9%) 15/29 (51.7%) 106/113 (93.8%) 30/71 (42.3%)
 Asymmetry 21/213 (9.9%) 4/29 (13.8%) 3/113 (2.7%) 14/71 (19.7%)
 Hyperinsulinism 19/213 (8.9%) 0/29 (0%) 2/113 (1.8%) 17/71 (23.9%)
 Tumor 19/213 (8.9%) 10/29 (34.5%) 2/113 (1.8%) 7/71 (9.9%)
 Incidental 3/213 (1.4%) 0/29 (0%) 0/113 (0%) 3/71 (4.2%)
Diagnosis age group .003**
 Prenatal (confirmed) 15/209 (7.2%) 0/29 (0%) 14/109 (12.8%) 1/71 (1.4%)
 Neonatal (<30 days) 108/209 (51.7%) 12/29 (41.1%) 60/109 (55.0%) 36/71 (50.7%)
 Postneonatal 86/209 (41.1%) 17/29 (58.6%) 35/109 (32.1%) 34/71 (47.9%)
Postneonatal age at diagnosis (m) 16.36 (27.60) 27.80 (28.92) 12.78 (24.60) 14.81 (29.39) .198
Race/ethnicity group .125
 Caucasian 149/221 (67.4%) 22/31 (71.0%) 80/112 (71.4%) 47/78 (60.3%)
 Mixed 39/221 (17.6%) 7/31 (22.6%) 19/112 (17.0%) 13/78 (16.7%)
 Non-Caucasian 33/221 (14.9%) 2/31 (6.5%) 13/112 (11.6%) 18/78 (23.1%)
ARTf use <.001***
 Natural 168/208 (80.8%) 27/30 (90.9%) 75/109 (68.8%) 66/69 (95.7%)
 IUIg and/or hormone stim 2/208 (1.0%) 2/30 (6.7%) 0/109 (0%) 0/69 (0%)
 IVFh and/or ICSIi 38/208 (18.3%) 1/30 (3.3%) 34/109 (31.2%) 3/69 (4.3%)
Multiple gestation 31/213 (14.6%) 3/30 (10.0%) 22/111 (19.8%) 6/72 (8.3%) .074
Polyhydramnios 52/196 (26.5%) 6/29 (20.7%) 34/98 (34.7%) 12/69 (17.4%) .033*
Placentomegaly 27/194 (13.9%) 3/29 (10.3%) 19/97 (19.6%) 5/68 (7.4%) .069
Gestational age 36.01 (3.74) 35.92 (3.73) 35.50 (3.76) 36.81 (3.63) .079
Premature (<37 weeks) 88/213 (41.3%) 12/30 (40.0%) 55/111 (49.5%) 21/72 (29.2%) .023*
LGAj 135/212 (63.7%) 18/28 (64.3%) 70/112 (62.5%) 47/72 (65.3%) .927
Typical features
Macroglossia 162/226 (71.7%) 17/32 (53.1%) 112/118 (94.9%) 33/76 (43.4%) <.001***
 Tongue reduction 78/145 (53.8%) 8/16 (50.0%) 57/101 (56.4%) 13/28 (46.4%) .610
Facial nevus simplex 103/205 (50.0%) 6/27 (22.2%) 77/108 (71.3%) 20/71 (28.2%) <.001***
Ear creases/pits 125/201 (62.2%) 9/27 (33.3%) 81/104 (77.9%) 35/70 (50.0%) <.001***
Abdominal Wall defect 149/213 (70.0%) 17/30 (56.7%) 92/110 (83.6%) 40/73 (54.8%) <.001***
 Omphalocele 52/220 (23.6%) 0/32 (0%) 47/115 (40.9%) 5/73 (6.8%) <.001***
 Umbilical hernia 73/211 (34.6%) 8/30 (26.7%) 40/109 (36.7%) 25/72 (34.7%) .593
 Diastasis recti 35/205 (17.1%) 12/27 (44.4%) 9/107 (8.4%) 14/71 (19.7%) <.001***
Lateralized overgrowth 158/215 (73.5%) 23/30 (76.7%) 64/110 (58.2%) 71/75 (94.7%) <.001***
Hypoglycemia 129/212 (60.8%) 14/31 (45.2%) 63/109 (57.8%) 52/72 (72.2%) .023*
 Transient 81/212 (38.2%) 11/31 (35.5%) 49/109 (45.0%) 21/72 (29.2%) .096
 Hyperinsulinism 48/218 (22.0%) 3/32 (9.4%) 14/112 (12.5%) 31/74 (41.9%) <.001***
 Pancreatectomy 22/47 (46.8%) 0/3 (0%) 2/14 (14.3%) 20/30 (66.7%) .001**
Organomegaly 80/206 (38.8%) 13/29 (44.8%) 37/106 (34.9%) 30/71 (42.3%) .478
 Hepatomegaly 42/197 (21.3%) 9/28 (32.1%) 15/100 (15.0%) 18/69 (26.1%) .072
 Nephromegaly 42/198 (21.2%) 8/28 (28.6%) 17/100 (17.0%) 17/70 (24.3%) .307
 Splenomegaly 29/193 (15.0%) 5/28 (17.9%) 12/97 (12.4%) 12/68 (17.6%) .584
Tumor 43/219 (19.6%) 16/31 (51.6%) 5/114 (4.4%) 22/74 (29.7%) <.001***
 Bilateral/multifocal WT/NBk 14/219 (6.4%) 10/31 (32.3%) 1/114 (0.9%) 3/74 (4.1%) <.001***
 Typical BWSp 29/220 (13.2%) 6/31 (19.4%) 4/115 (3.5%) 19/74 (25.7%) <.001***
Other features
Cleft palate 3/202 (1.5%) 0/28 (0%) 2/104 (1.9%) 1/70 (1.4%) .756
Undescended testes 29/81 (35.8%) 3/9 (33.3%) 24/46 (52.2%) 2/26 (7.7%) .001s

Total refers to totals of the three subgroups compared (IC1 GOM, IC2 LOM, pUPD11).


IC1 GOM: gain of methylation at H19/IGF2:IG DMR.


IC2 LOM: loss of methylation at KCNQ1OT1:TSS DMR.


pUPD11: paternal uniparental isodisomy of chromosome 11p15.


p values refer to the frequency of each feature between the three subgroups (IC1 GOM, IC2 LOM, pUPD11), so all subgroups are compared at the same time.


ART: assisted reproductive technology.


IUI: intrauterine insemination.


IVF: in vitro fertilization.


ICSI: intracytoplasmic sperm injection.


LGA: large for gestational age (>2 SDs above the mean).


WT/NB: Wilms tumor or nephroblastomatosis.


Significant at p < .05;


Significant at p < .01;


Significant at p < .001.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure