Fig 3.
Effects of preload dosage, incubation time, and truncation of corrected ΔR*2(t) on CBV fidelity. A, Percentage errors in CBV for each preload dosage with 95% CI. The best performance was obtained with 1-dose preload and 1-dose DSC-MR imaging bolus when using TE = 35 ms, TR = 1.0 second, and flip angle = 60°. Note the increased T2*-weighting from a full-dose preload decreases the CBV error when using these acquisition parameters. B, Effects of preload incubation time on CBV estimation when using preload. C, Effects of truncation of the ΔR*2(t) curves and leakage-correction strategies on CBV estimation when using a 1-dose preload followed by a 1-dose DSC bolus injection.