A |
24 |
Lobar HPE |
Septo-optic dysplasia, schizencephaly |
B |
22 |
HPE (severity not specified) |
Agenesis of corpus callosum |
C |
24 |
HPE (severity not specified) |
Ventriculomegaly, disrupted cavum septum pellucidum probably secondary to hydrocephalus |
D |
27 |
HPE (severity not specified) |
Septo-optic dysplasia, schizencephaly |
E |
21 |
HPE (severity not specified) |
Agenesis of corpus callosum |
F |
27 |
Lobar HPE |
Isolated absence of cavum septum pellucidum |
G |
18 |
HPE (severity not specified) |
Ventriculomegaly, disrupted cavum septum pellucidum probably secondary to hydrocephalus |
H |
21 |
Lobar HPE |
Septo-optic dysplasia, schizencephaly |
I |
24 |
HPE (severity not specified) |
Ventriculomegaly, disrupted cavum septum pellucidum probably secondary to hydrocephalus |