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. 2016 May;37(5):910–916. doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A4644

Table 1:

Patient age and sex, clinical presentation, lesion location, and radiographic diagnosis

Case Age, Sex Clinical Presentation Location Radiographic Diagnosis
1 10 yr, F Mass and bloody otorrhea for 10 days External auditory canal, polypoid mass Polyp
2 4 mo, M Mass and bloody discharge for 1 month External auditory canal, subcutaneous tissues Sebaceous cyst, dermoid or branchial cleft cyst
3 3 mo, M Reddish-blue nodule for 2 days Infra-auricular, subcutaneous, and cutaneous Lymph node, pilomatrixoma, nontuberculous mycobacterial infection
4 1 mo, M Facial weakness, otorrhea for 1 month Infratemporal fossa, middle ear space, bony erosion, intracranial, temporal lobe edema LCH, neuroblastoma
5 7 mo, F Scalp mass for 2 weeks Subperiosteal with outer table erosion, parietal bone Neuroblastoma metastasis, LCH, fibromatosis, other malignant tumor
6 4 mo, F Enlarging scalp mass for 6 weeks Cutaneous edema, subcutaneous scalp mass over coronal suture Dermoid
7 1 mo, F Mass over nose since birth Subcutaneous tissue, midline nasofrontal Neuroglial heterotopia
8 10 mo, F Enlarging mass over nose for 3 weeks Subperiosteal with outer table erosion, midline frontal LCH, metastasis such as neuroblastoma, other malignant tumor
9 12 yr, F Tremor for 6 months, recent seizure Intracranial, extra-axial; frontal lobe edema Tumor not otherwise specified
10 9 mo, M Multiple skin lesions since birth, occipital lesion for 4 weeks Innumerable scalp lesions; occipital calvarial, epidural; intracranial parietal dural-based Referred for imaging with known diagnosis of JXG