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. 2017 May;38(5):928–934. doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A5181

Table 1:

Summary of admission, demographic, clinical, and radiographic characteristics of patients with SAHa

Patients with SAH (n = 33) Controls (n = 66) P Value
Basic and demographic data
    Age (yr) 59 (44.5–66) 49 (43.4–53.2) <.001b
    Female sex 16 (48.5%) 41 (62.1%) .196
        Caucasian 25 (75.8%) 47 (72.3%) .343
        Black 8 (24.3%) 14 (21.5%)
        Other 0 4 (6.2%)
    History of smoking 21 (63.6%) 34 (51.5%) .253
    History of alcohol abuse 7 (22.6%) 10 (15.2%) .370
    Hypertension 14 (45.2%) 33 (50.0%) .657
    Diabetes 4 (12.9%) 14 (21.2%) .326
    Hyperlipidemia 12 (38.7%) 24 (36.4%) .824
    Aspirin use 10 (31.3%) 22 (33.3%) .837
    History of ischemic stroke 1 (3.0%) 0
    History of intracranial hemorrhage 0 0
    History of head trauma 0 0
    History of brain tumor 0 0
    Family history of aneurysm 4 (13.3%) 0
    Cocaine use within 24 hr of ictus 1 (3.0%) 0
Admission clinical and radiographic data
    Premorbid modified Rankin Scale score29 0 (0–0)
    HH grade12
        1 5 (15.2%)
        2 14 (42.4%)
        3 6 (18.2%)
        4 5 (15.2%)
        5 3 (9.1%)
    Glasgow Coma Score 15 (11.5–15)
    APACHE II score30 7 (3–10)
    Modified Fisher grade15
        1 4 (12.1%)
        2 2 (6.1%)
        3 18 (54.5%)
        4 9 (27.3%)
    Hijdra sum score31 13.5 (6–21)
    Cerebral edema on admission CT 8 (25.0%)
    External ventricular drain placed 14 (42.4%)

Note:—APACHE II indicates Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II.


Values are reported as No. (%) or median (interquartile range). Comparative basic and demographic data are provided for controls.


Statistical significance.