Fig 2.
An infant with congenital Zika syndrome and arthrogryposis (A and B), with flexion contracture of the superior limbs, mainly of the wrists, hyperextension contracture of the lower limbs, and right hip deformity. Spinal cord MR imaging of an infant with arthrogryposis, showing spinal cord measurements (C–E). Sagittal T2-weighted fast imaging using steady-state acquisition (volumetric GRE) shows the cervical (C, from superior to inferior, vertebral canal diameter, largest cervical cord diameter, and smallest cervical cord diameter), lumbar (D, from superior to inferior, vertebral canal diameter, largest lumbar cord diameter, and smallest lumbar cord diameter), and thoracic (E, from superior to inferior, vertebral canal diameter and smallest thoracic cord diameter) segments. There is apparently reduced spinal cord thickness, especially in the thoracic region (E), and an enlarged cisterna magna (C).