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. 2021 Jan 1;71(1):58–65. doi: 10.1007/s13224-020-01378-6

Table 1.

Socio-demographic profile of study group (PE) and control group (normotensive women)

S. no Parameters Study group (n = 60) Control group (n = 60) p value
Number Percentage Number Percentage
1 Age (years)
18–23 14 23.33 13 21.66 0.666
24–29 27 45 28 46.66
30–36 19 31.66 19 31.66
2 Parity
Primi 36 60 33 55 0.580
Multi 24 40 27 45
3 Educational status
Illiterate 28 46.67 27 45 0.113
Primary 14 23.33 18 30
Secondary 16 26.67 8 13.33
Graduate 2 3.33 7 11.67
4 Occupational status
Homemaker 50 83.33 49 81.67 0.289
Professional 8 13.33 11 18.33
Working 2 3.33 0 0.00
5 Residence
Rural 45 75.00 23 38.33 0.021
Urban 15 25.00 37 61.67
6 BMI (kg/m2)
18.5–22.9 44 73.33 45 75 > 0.05
23–24.9 13 21.66 12 20
> 25 3 5 3 5