A, Different nodes represent the postnatal corticosteroid interventions. The size of the nodes is proportional to the number of patients who were assigned to the intervention. The thickness of the lines connecting the nodes is proportional to the number of pairwise trials that evaluated the interventions, which are shown as numbers along the lines. B, Higher ranking of treatment was associated with smaller outcome value. The surface under the cumulative ranking curve (SUCRA) values (%) for each treatment were as follows: 44 for early-initiated systemic hydrocortisone (EHC); 29, early-initiated inhaled beclomethasone (EIBEC); 53, early-initiated inhaled budesonide (EIBUD); 56, early-initiated inhaled fluticasone (EIFLUT); 59, intratracheal budesonide (ITBUD); 62, late-initiated, high cumulative dose, long course of systemic dexamethasone (LaHdLcDX); 29, late-initiated, low cumulative dose, medium course of systemic dexamethasone (LaLdMcDX); 58, late-initiated, low cumulative dose, short course of systemic dexamethasone (LaLdScDX); 22, late-initiated, medium cumulative dose, long course of systemic dexamethasone (LaMdLcDX); 50, late-initiated, medium cumulative dose, medium course of systemic dexamethasone (LaMdMcDX); 56, late-initiated, medium cumulative dose, short course of systemic dexamethasone (LaMdScDX); 19, late-initiated systemic hydrocortisone (LHC); 46, late-initiated inhaled beclomethasone (LIBEC); 50, late-initiated inhaled budesonide (LIBUD); 69, moderately early-initiated, high cumulative dose, long course of systemic dexamethasone (MoHdLcDX); 63, moderately early-initiated, high cumulative dose, medium course of systemic dexamethasone (MoHdMcDX); 41, moderately early-initiated, low cumulative dose, short course of systemic dexamethasone (MoLdScDX); 74, moderately early-initiated, medium cumulative dose, long course of systemic dexamethasone (MoMdLcDX); 68, moderately early-initiated, medium cumulative dose, medium course of systemic dexamethasone (MoMdMcDX); 82, moderately early-initiated, medium cumulative dose, short course of systemic dexamethasone (MoMdScDX); and 17, placebo. C, The forest plot shows the risk ratio (RR) relative to placebo. CrI indicates credible interval; RR, risk ratio.